There are a lot of "Game of Thrones" super-fans out there. They own dragon-egg cookie jars, plush direwolf puppies. The really fancy fans might even have $30,000 Iron Throne replicas. But only one fan owns an Iron Throne toilet. "Super-Fan Builds," a YouTube series that's created among other things a Groot swing, a BioShock aquarium and a "Lord of the Rings" litter box, took on the task of building the pointiest privy ever made.
《权利的游戏》有很多超级粉丝,他们有龙蛋饼干、冰原狼毛绒玩偶等等,甚至有粉丝拥有价值3万美元的铁王座复制品。但是现在能拥有铁王座坐便器的只有一个粉丝,Super-Fan Bulids团队专门为超级粉丝制造仿真道具,他们的作品包括银河护卫队里的树人格鲁特、生化奇兵的水族馆、指环王中的小盒子等。
throne n.王座;君主;王权,vi. 登上王座。这是个希腊词根,词源方法来讲,希腊-拉丁-日耳曼存在一个th-f-d的首辅音对应关系。这个throne的本意是稳固或者说牢牢抓住,皇权吗,一定是每个帝王希望紧紧抓在自己手里的。对应的拉丁词源的单词有firm,affirm,confirm确认和farm等,别笑,farm本指地主每年收取佃户的一个“固定”的租金。另可参考panther猎豹中的词根ther-表野兽,拉丁来源的单词fierce和ferocious,这二者与deer鹿同源,古英语中deer泛指一切野兽。
The lucky fan is John Giovanazzi, a bar owner who keeps "Game of Thrones" beer on tap at his establishment. Prop-making company Tim Baker Creations started by taking measurements of the bathroom space destined to hold the Iron Throne latrine. Next came the design phase. "People are drinking. You probably don't want a toilet that has lots of sharp spiky edges on it," says Baker.
这位幸运的超级粉丝名叫约翰,他在自己酒吧内的啤酒机龙头上都贴上了权力的游戏的贴纸。道具制作公司Tim Baker Creations在测量了卫生间的空间尺寸,然后开始设计这款铁王座坐便池。该公司表示:“人们都在喝酒,估计没人会想要坐在一个被尖刺包围的马桶上方便的。”
latrine n. 公共厕所。这个单词一般指公共厕所,比如部队的。说起来美国国父华盛顿还与之有关呢。1776年美国独立战争初期,美军节节败退,当年冬天华盛顿率领士兵被迫在费城附近的Valley Forge过冬。饥寒交迫、痢疾、士气低落......能想到的所有困难都摆在了华盛顿眼前。但是在来自欧洲的Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben将军的帮助下,华盛顿进行了很多整治军队的工作,其中之一就是改建了部队的公共厕所,避免了痢疾和伤寒等传染病在军中的肆虐。来年春天,华盛顿率领军队重新走上战场,并取得了最后的胜利。
The Iron Throne toilet is made with a plywood base and back plate and fake swords. Sword hilts are cast using plastic. Some of the blades are fashioned from neoprene foam to allow them to bend around the shape of the chair. The throne looks very naked until the painting starts, when it begins to take on the color and look of the famous throne design from the TV series.
hilt n. 刀把,柄。这个单词的本意是敲打和砍杀等,因为刀把或刀柄就是装在刀剑上的,与holt n.杂木林;小林(可以砍伐的小灌木)和halt n.&v.停止;立定(to strike to stop)等都是日耳曼词源的单词。而日耳曼女性名字Hilda希尔达也有关,这个名字的字面意思是“battle-maid”。要是个女兵叫这个名字最合适了。
The Iron Throne shell is installed over a functioning toilet in Giovanazzi's bar with a conveniently placed sword hilt acting as a toilet-paper holder. Even the toilet seat is painted to blend in with the metallic look of the majestic seat.
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