The Gift of Possibility
That Christmas Eve, the streets of Boston were clogged with tourists and locals bundled in wool and flannel. Shoppers, hawkers, and gawkers whirled and swirled around me。离去波多黎各始末是我心上难于化解的苦楚,我一直在想,15年的美国生存让我成为了一个啥子样的人。我和邻舍站在那边看着这幅场景,有点做事的人画十字、低头祈求保佑。步行道上,街口儿音乐家卖力气的演出着。元月六号主显节前半晌,我们能力收到的圣诞大礼。枣子、无花果干、核桃和小胡桃,还有带壳的榛子,让我想起钟头刻在波多黎各收到的圣诞赠礼。城市住家的灯火点亮起来,从户牖透出的闪耀灯光似乎在呼唤着我,我多期望有人会敞开房门,邀请我走进那暖和的屋子,屋子一角是一株圣诞树,圣诞彩条将它扮饰的灿烂华美,天鹅毛的树摆上点缀着闪亮的雪片和包裹好的赠礼
I stopped at the local 马克et, feeling even more depressed as people filled their baskets with goodies. Dates and dried figs, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts in their shells reminded me of the gifts we received as children in Puerto Rico on Christmas Day, because the big gifts were given on the morning of the Feast of the Epiphany, on January 6. I missed my family: their rambunctious parties; the dancing; the mounds of rice with pigeon peas; the crusty, garlicky skin on the pork roast; the plantain and yucca pasteles wrapped in banana leaves. I wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.
我在集市边停下步子,看见许多人提着装满美食的篮子,心里觉得愈加遗失。有时,最好的赠礼不是那一个你做梦都想要的某个物品,而是你留心里头给自个儿的赞许和肯定,这才是最好的赠礼。我思念我的家人: 思念它们乱蓬蓬的派对,思念它们的跳舞,思念香喷喷的豆蓉大米或小米做成的饭,思念烤乳猪的蒜味脆皮,思念大蕉叶包裹的芭蕉丝兰根。此时这时候,终于,这个27岁的大学生,终了了一段7年的恋情,获得了他想要的伶俜,可他却怎么也欣慰不起来。
。天空的颜色晚了,想到要回去那空落落的寝室,泪珠就无需争辩气 的冒了出来。
Sometimes the best gift is the one you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I’d accomplished so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is the best gift I’ve ever received, the one that I most treasure.
In front of the church down the street, a manger had been set up, with Mary, Joseph, and the barn animals in expectation of midnight and the arrival of 宝贝疙瘩 Jesus. I stood with my neighbors watching the scene, some of them crossing themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that the story of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own history. Leaving Puerto Rico was still a wound in my soul as I struggled with who I had become in 15 years in the United States. I’d mourned the losses, but for the first time, I recognized whatI’d gained. I was independent, educated, healthy, and adventurous. My life was still before me, full of possibility.
在街道止境的教堂前,安置好了一条马槽,玛丽、约瑟夫和养马的房子里的动物们都在期望着半夜来临,救世主来到。我的家人已经回返了波多黎各,我的朋友都放假回家了,我意识的人都有自个儿的生存要过。我获得了想要的伶俜,却忍不住要降落泪来。那是我曾收到过的最好的赠礼,我最爱惜的圣诞赠礼。只有我是单身一人。我是一个独立的、受过令人满意教育的、康健的、富裕犯险神魂的小伙子。那一个12月25日,我送给自个儿的是肯定和应承,肯定自个儿以往的尽力尽量,应承自个儿将不惧一切,鼓起勇气向前。生存的道路就在我的脚下,饱含了无尽的有可能性。在回家路上,我认识到约瑟夫和玛丽挨家挨户征求袒护的故事就犹如我自个儿的经历。我想独自一个人静一静,但不是在12月25日。“Frosty the Snowman,”“Let It Snow!”and “Jingle Bells”played in stores; on the sidewalks, the street musicians did their best. Everyone, it seemed, was accompanied by someone else smiling or laughing. I was alone.
The eldest of a Puerto Rican family of 11 children growing up in NewYork’scrowded tenements, I’d spent much of my life seeking solitude. Now, finally, at 27, a college student in the midst of a drown-out breakup of a seven-year relationship, I contemplated what I’d so craved, but I wasn’t quite sure I liked it. Every part of me wanted to be alone, but not at Christmas. My family had returned to Puerto Rico, my friends had gone home during the holiday break, and my acquaintances were involved in their own lives. Dusk was falling, and the inevitable return to my empty apartment brought tears to my eyes.Blinking lights from windows and around doors beckoned, and I wished someone would emerge from one of those homes to ask me inside to a warm room with a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, its velvet skirt sprinkled with shiny fake snow and wrapped presents.
我家是一个波多黎各大家子,我是家里的长子,下边还有10个弟弟妹子,起小儿生存在纽约城拥挤的租住房里,在性命的大多时间, 我都在征求一会儿的伶俜。街旁商行播放着圣诞歌曲,走到哪儿都能听见《结霜的雪人儿》、《下雪吧》和《铃儿响丁当》。
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